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  • ballast production - 英中 – Linguee词典

    ballast Production - 英中 – Linguee词典 ballast 名 — 压载 名 道碴 名 惰气 名 查看更多用例 • 查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2023 外部资源 (未审查的) 大量翻译例句关于"ballast Production" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

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  • Production and Testing of Ballast - Transportation

    TRANS PORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 1 1 3 1 Production and Testing of Ballast A. W. CLrroN, M. l. KlesseN, aNo B. R. Warrens The traditional method of selecting ballast has

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  • Railway ballast material selection and evaluation: A review

    2022.8.15  The clinker consumption was halved to reduce carbon emissions as well as production costs. Therefore, it was proposed to use recycled ballast for the production

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  • Railway ballast performance: Recent advances in the

    2023.7.1  Abstract. Railway ballast performance is dictated by a complex mix of mechanical properties. These effect its performance at the particle level for example in

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  • An overview on the treatment of ballast water in ships

    2021.1.1  Ballast water is essential for the safe operation of ships in marine environment. Management of ballast water reduces the hull stress caused by adverse

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  • Summary of ballasting and deballasting

    Ballast water is recognized as a leading pathway for the introduction of aquatic non‐indigenous species which have caused substantial ecological damage globally.

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  • Gestion des eaux de ballast – contrôle des espèces

    Lancé en 2007 à l'issue d'une phase initiale de quatre ans, le projet a permis d'aider les pays en développement à réduire le transfert d'organismes aquatiques nuisibles et d'agents pathogènes dans les eaux de ballast

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  • Sediments in the ship’s ballast water tank: a problem to be

    2020.4.22  The composition of ballast sediments varies among ships, depending greatly on the sediment content of the ballast water taken up and the condition of the

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  • Accumulation of mineral ballast on organic

    2006.2.28  Ballast minerals have been postulated to enhance the fraction of surface primary production that reaches the seabed by either protecting the organic matter from oxidation or increasing the density,

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    2018.9.19  The Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention is applicable to new and existing ships that are designed to carry ballast water and are of 400 gross tonnages

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  • Balast - Eclairage : Ballast magnétique

    2021.11.15  Pour être un peu plus clair, le ballast est un composant électronique ou magnétique, qui s’intercale entre le réseau électrique et la source lumineuse. Il va produire une tension nécessaire à l’allumage de

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  • What is Ballasting and De-ballasting? - Marine

    2019.3.15  What is Ballasting and De-ballasting? By Anish March 15, 2019 Guidelines. Ballasting or de-ballasting is a process by which sea water is taken in and out of the ship when the ship is at the port or at the sea.

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  • (PDF) Electrolytic Sodium Hypochlorite System for

    2006.8.1  Journal of Ship Production, Vol. 22, No. 3, August 2006, pp. 160–171 ... and after passage through the Severn Trent De Nora system were ... Ballast water exchange at sea in organism-depleted ...

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  • The use of recycled rubber in ballasted railway tracks: A review

    2023.9.25  Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 420, 25 September 2023, 138339. Review. ... Ballast box test on deconstructed tire-made RPs (Sol-Sánchez et al., 2014b). 2.1.2. ... Efecto del envejecimiento de placas de asiento de carril inyectadas con TPE en la elasticidad de la vía para Alta Velocidad, 31st Meeting of the Spanish Group of Crack ...

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  • Eaux de ballast : un problème planétaire - La Revue EIN

    2022.11.30  Eaux de ballast : un problème planétaire. Les navires commerciaux sont aujourd’hui tenus d’assurer la désinfection de leurs eaux de ballast. Plusieurs technologies s’affrontent. Les grands navires de charge assurent leur stabilité en embarquant (et faisant circuler) de l’eau de mer dans des réservoirs internes, les ballasts.

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  • Formaldehyde production using methanol and

    2023.2.15  Among the various industrial applications of this compound, its use in the production of urea-formaldehyde [9, 10], paraformaldehyde [11], polyacetal [12], phenol formaldehyde [13, 14], and biological reagent [1] are cited as the most prevalent.According to the data presented in Fig. 1, the most common use of formaldehyde is by far as a

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  • Prestations de production de ballast retraité e... Stotles

    2023.5.17  L'accord-cadre a pour objet les prestations de production de ballast retraité en base. Il s'agit notamment de prestations de criblage et lavage du ballast. Ces prestations consiste en la préparation du ballast en vue du réemploi interne par SNCF RESEAU. Il s'agit d'un accord-cadre à bons de commandes composé de trois lots.

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  • Plasser Theurer: Machine - Tamping: Overview

    Plasser Theurer developed a mechanised technique for this purpose: the system of non-synchronous constant pressure tamping which in professional circles is regarded as pioneering and unequalled in quality. The tamping tines penetrate the ballast bed from above and compact the ballast under the sleeper with a squeezing movement.

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  • Les granulats du Groupe CB

    Production de granulats, pierres à chaux, castine, ballast etc. pour les chantiers du BTP. Granulats en partie produits chez Carrières du Boulonnais.

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  • Introducing Ballast: An Adaptive Load Test Framework - Uber

    2022.3.1  Figure 1: Ballast Architecture. At a high level, Ballast consists of 6 major components: Load Generator reads the load test fixture and forwards it to the target service to perform the load tests. Traffic Capture provides the framework with the ability to capture service traffic in real-time. This is used for test fixture preparation.

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  • BALLAST English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

    BALLAST definition: 1. heavy matter such as sand, stone, or water that is used at the bottom of a ship or a hot-air. Learn more.

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    2017.7.31  Cette méthode de traitement implique de retirer de l'oxygène de l'eau de ballast afin d'étouffer les organismes. Cela se fait habituellement par injection d'azote ou d'un autre gaz inerte dans de l'eau de ballast. Le niveau d'oxygène faible tue alors la plupart des organismes qui ont besoin d'oxygène.

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  • Gestion des eaux de ballast – contrôle des espèces

    La Convention internationale pour le contrôle et la gestion des eaux de ballast et sédiments des navires ( Convention BWM) a été adoptée en 2004 afin d'établir des règles mondiales pour contrôler le transfert d'espèces

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  • (PDF) Ballast water treatment systems: design, regulations, and ...

    2014.6.5  De-ballast ing . Ship . Port . Fuzzy. Introduct ion. Ballast is any material used to add weight to balance an object. such as a vessel. It is the additional weight necessary to bring the.

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  • An overview of railway ballast properties and behaviour

    2023.3.20  Abstract and Figures. Railway ballast performance is dictated by a complex mix of mechanical properties. These effect its performance at the particle level for example in terms of particle ...

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  • Start-up of Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 production in Qingdao

    2021.5.4  During spring 2021, Alfa Laval will begin implementing a new production line for Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 in Qingdao, China. As the line gradually expands to include the full flow range by the end of 2022, it will support and deepen regional shipyard relationships as the ballast water treatment market shifts towards Asia.

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  • Analyse de la taille et de la part du marché du traitement des eaux de ...

    Au cours de la période projetée, lAsie-Pacifique devrait détenir la plus grande part de marché du traitement des eaux de ballast. Un nombre important de ports et de ports pour le commerce du pétrole et des produits chimiques, des composants automobiles, des composants électroniques et des appareils, entre autres, contribuent à la croissance du

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  • Fabricant Producteur ballasts - Europages

    Outre les produits de la chaux, la « Chalchi » fabrique également des graviers et du ballast, un matériau indispensable pour les travaux publics. La production de la Kalkfabrik Netstal AG couvre près de la moitié de l'ensemble des besoins en

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  • Traitement des eaux de ballast par couplage de

    2019.3.21  avec un procédé électro-catalytique d’oxydation (EO) a été proposé pour soumettre les eaux de ballast à des traitements plus poussés avant tout rejet dans le milieu récepteur. Ce projet a pour objectif d’évaluer les performances du couplage des procédés d’EC et d’EO pour traiter les eaux de ballast.

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  • fr/production de ballast at main liyingliang2022/fr

    Contribute to liyingliang2022/fr development by creating an account on GitHub.

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  • Canada Gazette, Part 2, Volume 155, Number 13: Ballast Water Regulations

    2021.6.23  Issues: Ballast water, which is important for the safety and stability of vessels, can also introduce aquatic invasive species (e.g. zebra mussels) into receiving waters. In 2010, Canada acceded to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (the Convention). Revised

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  • Recent progress and challenges facing ballast water treatment

    2022.3.1  Recent ballast water legislation and management are presented. ... and lead by 38.1%, 40.3%, and 75.4%, respectively. An important question is how the production of •OH in the system can be enhanced. Bai ... (Fuchs and de Wilde, 2003). In addition to pH-based studies, studies have considered biocidal activity and degradation of Peraclean ...

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  • BALLAST definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary

    6 天之前  6 meanings: 1. any dense heavy material, such as lead or iron pigs, used to stabilize a vessel, esp one that is not carrying.... Click for more definitions.

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  • Gestion des eaux de ballast : empêcher la propagation des

    2021.10.4  L’invasion des Grands Lacs par la moule zébrée est un exemple des ravages qu’une espèce peut causer lorsqu’elle est introduite dans un nouvel environnement marin. Depuis son arrivée à la fin des années 1980 par les eaux de ballast des navires, cette moule d’eau douce, originaire de la mer Noire et de la mer Caspienne en Europe, a

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    2018.9.19  The Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention is applicable to new and existing ships that are designed to carry ballast water and are of 400 gross tonnages and above. The BWM Convention will enter into force on 8th September 2017. In order to show compliance with the requirements of the Convention each ship shall have on board

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  • Comparative life cycle assessment of railway subballast

    2022.5.7  Purpose Coal mine overburden is a term typically used to refer to the waste rocks and the soil materials generated from the open cast method of coal extraction. Previous investigations have found that recycled aggregates from coal overburden are suitable as subballast material in railway trackbed. But no study has been reported yet

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  • BALLAST中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    BALLAST翻译:(船的)压舱物;(气球的)镇重物;(用作路基的)道砟,石碴。。 The traditionalists can even add ballast to their claims by pointing out that the operatic past is more available to us now than it ever was before.

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  • Sediments in the ship’s ballast water tank: a problem to be

    2020.4.22  Purpose The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) was entered into force in September 2017. It deals with one of the greatest threats to coastal and marine environments around the world: aquatic invasive alien

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  • Wärtsilä Water and Waste - Home

    2 天之前  Welcome to Wärtsilä Water Waste! At Wärtsilä Water Waste we support our customers with a complete lifecycle offering of water and waste solutions. These ensure the highest operational efficiency, compliance and enhanced environmental performance. Even though most of our customers can be found in the marine and off-shore industry, a ...

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