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  • Environmental reclamation of limestone mining sites in Italy:

    Currently the environmental restoration of former extraction sites of limestone materials to be used in construction sector is still an open issue, challenging the opportunities for a more sustainable development of local communities. We primarily frame the issue in both the

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  • A novel environmental restoration method for an

    2018.5.30  Considering the typical characteristics of limestone exploitation, the environmental damages caused by limestone

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  • A procedure to evaluate environmental rehabilitation in limestone ...

    2010.11.1  Environmental reclamation of limestone mining sites in Italy: Financial evaluation, challenges and proposals for sustainable development

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  • Environmental reclamation of limestone mining sites in Italy ...

    The present study evaluates the multiple causes underlying the abandonment of former limestone quarries and the lack of their reclamation as well as proposals to promote their

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  • Environmentally Friendly Rock Mining—Case

    2019.10.21  This paper presents the project of the reclamation of the limestone mine “Górażdże” and attempts to extend the directions of

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    2020.7.10  MINE RECLAMATION. I C F R E. A Handbook. 10 11. Green manuring and its mulching into soil for increasing organic carbon in the soil with thrust on use of F .Y .M. Application of soil test based ...

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  • Soil Reclamation of Abandoned Mine Land by

    PDF On Jan 1, 2010, V Sheoran and others published Soil Reclamation of Abandoned Mine Land by Revegetation: A Review Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

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  • Environmental reclamation of limestone mining sites in Italy:

    Currently the environmental restoration of former extraction sites of limestone materials to be used in construction sector is still an open issue, challenging the opportunities for a more

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  • Reclamation of water and the synthesis of gypsum and limestone

    2018.12.1  Reclamation of water and the synthesis of gypsum and limestone from acid mine drainage treatment process using a combination of pre-treated magnesite

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  • Mine Reclamation and Waste Management - res.mdpi

    2020.1.31  two problems at once: The environmentally friendly disposal of mine wastes and the reclamation of abandoned mines. In this study, we present a successful

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  • Environmental Hazards of Limestone Mining and Adaptive

    2020.2.18  Limestone is a naturally formed mineral, primarily composed of calcium carbonate (Oates 2008).It forms commonly in shallow, calm and warm marine waters, as found in the Caribbean Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Mexico (King 2005).Another way of limestone that forms is through evaporation, with this type of

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  • Soil Reclamation of Abandoned Mine Land by

    2010.1.1  Mining is a critical aspect of the economy but is accompanied by many industrial activities with a wide range of negative impacts on the environment, including the contamination of surface and ...

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  • Mines: Site Closure, Reclamation, and Conversion

    2022.5.11  Mining Site Closure, Reclamation, and Conversion. Geosyntec recognizes that the conversion of closed or abandoned mine sites into productive economic assets or safe, open space is one of the

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  • Environmental Hazards of Limestone Mining and

    2024.1.12  Best practices for limestone mining are derived from a robust diagnosis of the envi-ronmental hazards, impacts of associated population and an accurate delimitation of the area of influence due to ...

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  • Evaluating the environmental and economic impact of mining

    2021.2.1  The goal of reclamation is to return the site to a condition that most resembles the pre-mining condition; to prevent or minimize in perpetuity, the release of contaminants from various mine sites (i.e., heavy metals released from tailings, open-pits, and impoundments); and how funds would be made available to ensure that the costs of ...

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  • Technical reclamations are wasting the conservation

    2012.6.1  We closely followed the sampling protocol used by Tropek et al. (2010), including the numbers of samples taken the season, to achieve as high as possible comparability between the two types (black coal spoil dumps and limestone quarries) of post-mining sites.In the center of each plot, a line of five 3 m × 3 m quadrates, situated 2

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    2021.10.22  • Inform researchers, environmental engineers, reclamation practitioners and local communities on more sustainable remedies in the longer term, and support site-specific decision-making processes in mine sites impacted by ARD. 2. METHODS The methodology of this research was grounded on a systematic literature review, and the

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  • Limestone, Shell, Dolomite - Florida Department of

    2 天之前  The Mining and Mitigation Program administers reclamation, environmental resource/stormwater management, and federally-delegated dredge and fill (State 404) permit programs for mining operations in Florida, including limestone, shell and dolomite mines. Reclamation standards for limestone, shell and dolomite mining are detailed in

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  • Frontiers Limestone Quarry Waste Promotes the Growth of

    2021.4.29  Limestone quarrying is an active mining practices generating bulk of solid remains and altering the habitat by the removal of plants; however, the utilization of such waste for the growth of plants has not been investigated much. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of limestone quarry waste on the growth of two native plants by

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  • 5 Reclaimed Mine Success Stories - Midwest

    2017.5.15  New Bern Quarry, North Carolina. Mining took place on over 1,000 acres in the limestone quarry owned by Martin Marietta Aggregates, opened in 1958 and closed in 1996. The average depth of

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  • Guidelines for the Design of Abandoned Mine Land

    2021.3.15  or company is responsible for the site’s reclamation. For coal mined sites, these lands were disturbed, inadequately reclaimed, and abandoned before August 3, 1977. Those sites inadequately reclaimed after 1977 remain as reclamation liabilities to the mining company or the sites have reverted to state government control and reclamation.

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  • Suitability Evaluation for Land Reclamation of

    2020.1.30  Using the land reclamation suitability evaluation model established above, the land reclamation units of the Toga Solo limestone mine in Dabancheng, Urumqi, were evaluated for land reclamation

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  • A procedure to evaluate environmental rehabilitation in limestone ...

    2010.11.1  Environmental reclamation of limestone mining sites in Italy: Financial evaluation, challenges and proposals for sustainable development. 2024, Resources Policy. Show abstract. Currently the environmental restoration of former extraction sites of limestone materials to be used in construction sector is still an open issue, challenging

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  • Delineation and evaluation of the captive limestone mining

    2022.10.1  Mining in general open-pit mining method is adopted to extract Limestone minerals (Soni and Nema, 2021).Limestone mining lead in most cases to land-environment degradation (Werner et al., 2020).Myriad Limestone extraction causes dynamics in geomorphology, Habitat variation, generation of high-intensity noise, erosion, vibrations,

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  • Reclamation and reuse of abandoned quarry: A case study of

    2019.3.1  Environmental reclamation of limestone mining sites in Italy: Financial evaluation, challenges and proposals for sustainable development. 2024, Resources Policy. Show abstract. Currently the environmental restoration of former extraction sites of limestone materials to be used in construction sector is still an open issue, challenging

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  • Pedotechnologies for the Environmental Reclamation of limestone ...

    2018.2.1  The current Campanian laws on mining practices − Piano Regionale Attività Estrattive − PRAE- (Regione Campania, 2006) bind the quarry management to the reclamation of mining sites. The key commitment is the so-called “Environmental Reclamation”, (ER) defined as: “the whole of activities aiming at rearranging and

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    2015.10.3  Alluvial mining systems for alluvial deposits such as tin ore mines at PT Timah Bangka, and quarry systems usually used for limestone mining, such as those in PT Semen Padang West Sumatra Province ...

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  • Graymont Indian Creek mine produces lime products for

    2024.1.20  Tim Burmeister. In the Elkhorn Mountains a few miles west of Townsend, Montana, hot kilns at the Graymont Indian Creek mine run 24 hours a day, seven days a week turning limestone into lime, a ...

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  • Environmentally Friendly Rock Mining—Case Study of

    2023.7.15  Abstract: Mining activities a ect the environment, while proper reclamation and management of areas transformed by these activities can bring about new, and often much better changes in the landscape.

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  • Microbes from mined sites: Harnessing their potential for reclamation ...

    2017.11.1  The currently used reclamation strategies at most of the abandoned mine sites are based on chemical amendments to neutralise the acidity, and these are un- or less sustainable. Although considerable research has been conducted on the bioleaching of metals such as copper, silver, gold, uranium, etc. from mineral ores, very little work has

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  • Modern Technological Applications for Limestone Mining

    2021.7.15  Rippers can be used for limestone mining as limestone is a ‘rippable’ sedimentary rock (refer to Sect. 3.1.1) Using rippers in small mines or for a group consisting of more than one mine is economical and productive. Instantaneous blasting or blasting with delay detonators in mines are executed in circuits.

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  • (PDF) Effects of Limestone Mining on

    2016.1.1  Findings revealed that 38.3 ha of forests were cleared out of the 1000 ha leased to Mbeya Cement Company Limited. Similarly, soil erosion, loss of vegetation, and air pollution were the main ...

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  • Overburden management in open pits: options and limits in

    2019.3.1  The possible reuse or reclamation of the site is also to be taken into account, thus the bearing capacity and the stiffness of the deposit is of primary importance. In this paper the main issues related to the overburden management for large open pit mining operations have been discussed, describing the need of a multidisciplinary

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  • Reclaimed Flambeau Mine Wisconsin DNR

    5 天之前  RECLAIMED FLAMBEAU MINE. On December 20, 2022, the department issued a Certification of Completion of reclamation for the remaining 32 acres of the permitted mine site, referred to as the industrial outlot, along with a Revised Mining Permit. Additional information regarding the industrial outlot, the petition for certification, the notice of ...

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  • Soil reconstruction after mining fails to restore soil function

    2020.3.19  The aim of this study is to assess soil structure in two vegetation types in an arid ecosystem, and to understand how these soil properties compare to a reconstructed soil profile after mining. In an arid ecosystem in southeast Australia, soil samples were collected at five depths (to 105 cm) from remnant woodland and shrubland sites, and

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  • Surface Mining Reclamation - Kansas Department of

    2023.10.4  The mining of coal, production of oil and gas and mining within the banks of streams are not subject to the Act. The DOC administers the Surface Mining Land Conservation and Reclamation Act (K.S.A. 49-601-624) that became effective July 1, 1994. The purpose of the program is to ensure any land disturbed for mining purposes, other

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  • (PDF) Quarry rehabilitation: A case study - ResearchGate

    2001.6.1  Here, we characterized and compared the living soil fungal communities in an opencast limestone mine, including mining site and its associated rehabilitation site (9 months post-rehabilitation ...

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  • Pedotechnologies for the Environmental Reclamation of limestone ...

    2018.2.1  Despite the rules, the reclamation of quarries is systematically omitted, with severe environmental damage, especially in Caserta province, where over 600 heavy pits are localized (Buondonno et al., 2013a, Buondonno et al., 2013b). Thirty-eight, non-reclaimed limestone quarries are present on “Tifatini” hill slopes (Fig. 1), near Caserta town.

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  • Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Coal Surface Mining

    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Coal Surface Mining and Reclamation in the Powder River Basin" by M. Aldén. ... Application of remote sensing monitoring of limestone mining exploitation in Mountain Kendeng. Fifing R. A. Gultom B. M. Pratama G. Anggraeni.

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