2019.12.31 Abstract and Figures. In this paper, we find the violent vibration of the hot rolling mill is induced by the combination of the screw-down system and the strip, explain
Bavarder sur Internet2021.1.18 Wang et al. established a multi-coupling vibration model comprising a rolling interface friction model, a rolling torque model, and a hydrodynamic lubrication
Bavarder sur Internet2014.4.6 PDF Nonlinear dynamic rolling forces in the vertical and horizontal directions are, respectively, established, considering the
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Bavarder sur Internet2021.3.10 Based on these dynamic rolling forces and the mechanical vibration of the rolling mill, a vertical–horizontal coupling nonlinear vibration dynamic model was
Bavarder sur Internet2021.5.6 nonlinear dynamic rolling forces related to film thickness in the vertical and horizontal directions were obtained based on the Karman’s balance theory. Based on
Bavarder sur Internet2019.11.2 In this paper, in order to study the influence of nonlinear friction F f (v) on the vertical vibration of the load roll system, a vertical vibration model of the load roll
Bavarder sur Internet2023.12.22 Abstract. To reveal the impact of vertical nonlinear vibration on the stabilization of the precision cold rolling system, the vertical nonlinear vibration model
Bavarder sur Internet2012.1.1 Abstract. According to the vertical vibration phenomena existing in cold rolling mills, the unsteady lubrication mechanism in roll gap and its influence to rolling
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Bavarder sur Internet2024.1.5 Le mauvais alignement peut être provoqué durant l'assemblage ou se développer avec le temps, en raison de la dilatation thermique, du mouvement des composants ou d'un réassemblage incorrect après des travaux d'entretien. Les vibrations qui en résultent peuvent être radiales ou axiales (dans l'axe de la machine), ou les deux
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