le traitement du minerai dor dans le basalte

  • Simultaneous CO2 absorption, mineralisation and carbonate ...

    2021.9.1  Single-step CO 2 absorption and mineralisation not only fulfills the advantage of rapid CO 2 absorption of amines but also allows the in-situ CO 2

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  • Towards a business case for CO2 mineralisation in the

    2022.3.14  To create positive CO mineralisation business cases two conditions are paramount: the resulting products must be used as a supplementary material in cement

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  • Ex-situ mineral carbonation – A parameter study on carbon ...

    2022.4.1  This project considers the achievable carbonation degree of various mineral resources, including their subsequent separation and usage as substitute materials,

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  • Multiphase carbon mineralization for the reactive

    2020.1.14  This Review describes this multiphase chemistry and the knowledge gaps that need to be addressed to achieve ‘step-change’

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  • (PDF) Carbon Storage by Mineralisation (CSM): Serpentinite

    2013.12.31  Carbon Storage by Mineralisation (CSM): Serpentinite Rock Carbonation via Mg(OH)2 Reaction Intermediate Without CO2 Pre-separation

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  • Understanding Geology and Structure: An Essential Part

    2023.8.22  assumption of continuity of mineralisation between sampling points, as stated in the JORC Code, requires a “confident interpretation of the geological

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  • Mineralisation of distinct biogas digestate qualities

    2022.6.21  Separation of total biogas digestates into a liquid and a solid fraction has gained increasing importance, as the liquid phase has a higher fertilizer quality than the

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  • Mineralisation of ryegrass and soil organic matter as

    2022.8.18  The control of soil pore network structure on C mineralisation has been further emphasised by Kuka et al. (2007) who advocated integration of physical variables

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  • Simultaneous CO2 absorption, mineralisation and carbonate ...

    2021.9.1  In this study, the CO2 absorption, mineralisation and carbonate crystallisation at different monoethanolamine (MEA) concentrations, calcium hydroxide

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  • Timing of porphyry (Cu-Mo) and base metal (Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu) mineralisation ...

    2015.2.14  The Morococha district in central Peru is characterised by economically important Cordilleran polymetallic (Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu) vein and replacement bodies and the large Toromocho porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in its centre. U-Pb, Re-Os, and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology data for various porphyry-related hydrothermal mineralisation styles

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  • The consequences of niche and physiological differentiation of

    2018.1.31  Mineralisation rate (~1 µg N g soil dw d −1) ... Urakawa H, de La Torre JR, Stahl DA. Ammonia oxidation kinetics determine niche separation of nitrifying Archaea and Bacteria. Nature. 2009;461: ...

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  • Mineralisation of Surfactants Using Ultrasound and the

    2010.6.8  The destruction of the surfactants, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (DBS) and dodecyl pyridinium chloride (DPC), using an advanced oxidation process is described. The use of zero valent iron (ZVI) and hydrogen peroxide at pH = 2.5 (the advanced Fenton process), with and without, the application of 20 kHz ultrasound leads to extensive

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  • Geological and thermochronological studies of the Dashui

    2012.8.1  The Dashui gold deposit is a structurally controlled, Carlin-type gold deposit hosted by recrystallised limestone in the West Qinling Orogen of Central China. The major, structurally late east-trending Dashui Fault forms the hanging wall to the gold mineralisation at the Dashui mine and defines the contact between Middle Triassic limestone and a

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  • Life cycle assessment of a CO2 mineralisation technology for

    2021.2.1  For example, Zevenhoven et al. [19] performed mineralisation of CO 2 using serpentinite rock and a flue gas stream without pre-separation of CO2, but required initial compression of the flue gas stream. Mineralisation applications using flue gas streams also typically capture the flue gas streams at the point source for mineralisation.

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  • Soil particle size fractions harbour distinct microbial

    2015.11.1  The samples were stored in the dark at 4 °C at 50–55% water holding capacity. Soil sampling for the DCP mineralisation experiments took place in September 2012 between the stubbles of preceding winter wheat (7 months after fertilisation). 2.2. Particle size fractionations and separation of particulate organic matter (POM)

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  • Carbon mineralization pathways for carbon capture, storage

    2021.2.26  Carbon mineralization is a versatile and thermodynamically downhill process that can be harnessed for capturing, storing, and utilizing CO2 to synthesize products with enhanced properties. Here ...

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  • Impact of biochar on mineralisation of C and N from soil and

    2013.11.27  Using a laboratory experiment, we investigated the effect of applying willow biochar to short rotation coppice soil on C and N dynamics and microbial biomass and community composition, in the presence and absence of willow litter. Application of biochar at a rate of 0.5 % had no effect on net CO2 mineralisation in the presence or absence of

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  • Proportion, composition and potential N mineralisation of

    2010.8.1  Mechanical slurry separation is a useful technology for slurry management on farms. The characteristics of the fractions obtained depend on the separation efficiency and on the characteristics of the original slurry. In the present work, three types of slurry – pig, cow and duck – were separated into 4 particle size fractions.

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  • How Can Additives Control the Early Stages of Mineralisation?

    2018.4.26  φ = RT ln(IAP /Ksp. (3) with the solubility product of the nascent phase K sp and a correspondingly consistent IAP of the relevant ions. Please note that as opposed to the sign convention of ∆G, phase separation is impossible and possible for

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  • Anthropogenic disturbance keeps the coastal

    2018.4.3  The total mineralisation rate of organic matter was estimated at 16.4 mmol C m −2 d −1 of which only 0.6% occurred via aerobic respiration, 47.5% via organoclastic sulphate reduction and

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  • Mineralisation of C and N from root, stem and leaf residues

    2005.6.28  The influence of biochemical characteristics of 15 crop residues on C and N mineralisation in soil was investigated by following the decomposition of roots, stems and leaves of four subtropical species and one temperate species buried into the soil. The C, N and polyphenols contents were measured in different biochemical pools obtained from

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  • Frontiers Mineralization Technology for Carbon

    2020.7.14  Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is a technology approach to the management of anthropogenic carbon dioxide gas emissions to the atmosphere. By injecting CO2 into host rocks, or by

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  • Mineralisation and primary biodegradation of aromatic organophosphorus ...

    2014.9.1  Chromatographic separation was carried out on a C18 stationary phase (Luna C18(2), 3 ... Mineralisation (conversion to CO 2) is the basis of standardised biodegradability testing, using for example OECD protocols (e.g. OECD, 2006). This approach has a number of advantages such as the environmental desirability of

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  • Proportion, composition and potential N mineralisation of

    2010.8.1  Separation of slurries can facilitate the nutrient management on farms through nutrient partitioning between the liquid and the solid fraction. ... 2008, 2010a). Hence, N mineralisation in LF might also be explained by the existence of finer particles in LF with a significantly lower dry matter, total C and C:N ratio relative to S (Fangueiro et ...

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  • Copper, Uranium and REE Mineralisation in an Exhumed Oil

    2023.5.20  Copper, uranium, and rare earth element (REE) mineralisation occurs in hydrocarbon-bearing Devonian continental sandstones in southwest Orkney, Scotland. The aeolian Yesnaby Sandstone Formation and fluvial Harra Ebb Sandstone Formation were mineralised following oil emplacement. The REE-bearing APS mineral florencite is

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  • Sulphide melt and aqueous fluid saturation in the PGE–Au mineralisation ...

    2020.1.27  The Skaergaard intrusion in East Greenland hosts mineralisation of platinum group elements and gold that is characterised by a remarkably low amount of sulphides (about 0.02 wt% sulphide) and a very high metal/sulphur ratio. Here we present the first quantitative analyses of sulphur (S), copper (Cu), lithium (Li) and other trace

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  • A geochronological framework for orogenic gold mineralisation

    2014.3.1  This separation of ages is incompatible with the view that gold emplacement in the western Lachlan fold belt was the result of a single, orogen-wide event during the Devonian. A distinct phase of gold mineralisation, characterised by elevated Cu, Mo, Sb or W, is associated with both Late Silurian to Early Devonian (~420 to 400 Ma) and Middle

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  • Full article: Hydrochimie et faciès géochimiques des eaux souterraines ...

    2011.3.28  Sadek Awad. L'étude géochimique des eaux souterraines dans la Plaine de la Bekaa montre un faciès calco-magnésien, bicarbonaté, à saturation vis-à-vis de la calcite et de la dolomite, à faible minéralisation et de faible conductivité. Les formations carbonatées (calcite et dolomite) constituent les roches encaissantes des eaux ...

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  • Genetic constraints from paleomagnetic dating for the Aliva

    2015.3.8  Aliva has been the most productive Zn–Pb mine in the Picos de Europa Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) district of Spain’s Cantabrian Zone. The mineralisation is hosted in a Variscan thrust sheet by strata of the Late Carboniferous (~309 ± 3 Ma) Picos de Europa limestone–shale formation. Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic analyses of 194

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  • Soil net nitrogen mineralisation across global grasslands

    2019.10.31  Soil nitrogen mineralisation (Nmin), the conversion of organic into inorganic N, is important for productivity and nutrient cycling. The balance between mineralisation and immobilisation (net Nmin ...

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  • Carbon Storage by Mineralisation (CSM): Serpentinite Rock Carbonation ...

    Energy Procedia 37 ( 2013 ) 5945 – 5954 1876-6102 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of GHGT doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.521 GHGT-11 Carbon storage by mineralisation (CSM): serpentinite rock carbonation via Mg(OH)2 reaction intermediate without CO2 pre

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  • Emplacement of magmatic Cu-Au-Te(-Ni-PGE) sulfide blebs

    2020.9.29  Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide mineralisation is mostly confined to tholeiitic to komatiitic mafic-ultramafic intrusions, yet there have been an increasing number of occurrences recorded in alkaline-ultramafic, post-collisional magmatic systems, particularly in the lower and middle crust that generally display a characteristic Cu-Au-Te enrichment

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  • Nutrient mineralisation and microbial functional diversity in a ...

    2013.9.1  2.2. Nutrient concentrations and net mineralisation rates. Sample locations were selected based on vegetation and micro-topography to capture the range of variation in microhabitats across BDB (see Appendix 1 and Fig. 1).A total of 14 sub-sites were sampled monthly between May and August 2010 (inclusive, n = 3 periods), within the restored

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  • Collagen intrafibrillar mineralisation as a result of the

    Extensive work on collagen mineralisation during their self-assembly 1, as well as the use of process-directing agents for mineralisation of fibrillar collagen 2–5, have enabled scientists to gain seminal insight into the potential mechanisms involved in intrafibrillar mineralisation 6–10.Among these efforts, the discovery of prenucleation clusters and the polymer

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  • In Vitro Mineralisation of Tissue-Engineered Cartilage

    2023.4.20  Tissue engineering bone via endochondral ossification requires the generation of a cartilage template which undergoes vascularisation and remodelling. While this is a promising route for bone repair, achieving effective cartilage vascularisation remains a challenge. Here, we investigated how mineralisation of tissue-engineered cartilage

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  • Opening the black box: Soil microcosm experiments

    2021.12.20  Particularly, in Liu et al. (2018) a significant decrease in soil organic carbon mineralisation was observed only after biochar application rate of about 67 t ha-1. Thus, explaining the differences between soot and biochar effect on soil organic carbon mineralisation might also be the rate of biochar applied in this experiment (10 t ha-1 ...

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  • Advances in process development of aqueous CO2 mineralisation

    2020.12.1  The scope of this review is illustrated in Fig. 1.Based on the recent researches on aqueous carbonation, the mineralisation process is subdivided into three streams: 1) two-step aqueous mineralisation, which contains the extraction and carbonation processes; 2) single step aqueous mineralisation with solid phase, which represents the

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  • Simultaneous CO2 absorption, mineralisation and carbonate ...

    2021.9.1  Introduction. CO 2 mineralisation is one of the promising carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, in which CO 2 is converted into stable carbonates by thermodynamically downhill reactions [[1], [2], [3]]. Natural rock weathering occurs when alkaline minerals react with atmospheric CO 2 in the presence of moisture/water and

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  • Direct (one-step) synthesis of - ScienceDirect

    2005.11.1  Figs. 5 and 6 show that the performance of FSP-made TiO 2 particles is an improvement over Degussa P25 TiO 2 in terms of half-life carbon mineralisation rate, as has been shown for the mineralisation of phenol and salicylic acid by flame-made TiO 2 (Fotou and Pratsinis, 1996).The half-life mineralisation rate is half of the amount of initial carbon

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