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  • bocards or utilise a vendre5 bocards à vendre en afrique du sud. 5 bocards à vendre en afrique du sud Le plus important éleveur de rhinocéros au monde. l''Italie Les

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    2019.11.16  匿名用户. 我黄皮,先买的chili,买了以后试过几次色就闲置了。. 后面买了316,这个颜色对黄皮比较友好,就是甜. 白的人涂哪个都会好看。. 不过也不是说chili的颜色不好看,就是这个颜色在我脸上很

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  • bocard or pour la vente en Chine2019-12-05T03:12:18+00:00; S'implanter en Chine : les 7 règles d'or à respecter Il ne suffit pas d'une opportunité pour aborder le marché

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  • définition de ☞ bocard (depuis 1821) (avec Bob, dictionnaire

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  • CHILI中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    Hunan cuisine is noted for its use of chili peppers. The chicken is sliced and baked, then marinaded in oil, chili pepper, garlic, spring onions, shrimp paste and limes, and finally

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  • 风靡全球的美国Chili's奇利斯餐厅及酒吧中国首店即将

    上海2019.6.12 /美通社/ -- 享誉全球的美国最大西餐连锁品牌之一 Chili's ®奇利斯 ® ,即将带着正宗的美国西南部现代餐饮体验,于2019.6.25正式登陆上海美食新地标 -- 陆家嘴滨江公园。

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  • chili是什么意思_chili的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸 ...

    Noun. 1. ground beef and chili peppers or chili powder often with tomatoes and kidney beans. 2. very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供chili的中文意思,chili的用法讲解,chili的读音,chili的同义词,chili的反义词,chili的例句等英语

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  • 辣椒到底是“Chilli”还是“Pepper”? - 百家号

    2023.9.23  在英语中的用法. 尽管"chilli"和"pepper"这两个词都用于描述辣椒,它们在英语中的用法略有不同。. 一般来说:. "Chilli"更常用于描述新鲜的辣椒或用于烹饪的辣椒,如"green chilli"(青辣椒)或"red chilli"(红辣椒)。. "Pepper"通常指的是黑胡椒,用于给菜肴

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  • Chili, Chilli, and Chile: Explaining the Difference - Merriam

    Chili (plural chilies or chilis) is the standard American English name for the hot pepper as well as the spicy stew, condiment, and spice in which it is a prominent ingredient. On the other hand, in British English, chilli (plural chillies or chillis) is typically used. The spelling chile is of Spanish origin and is common in southwestern areas ...

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    2022.10.10  中国文化西方教程unit3原文翻译(束定芳版). Para. 1 Chinese culinary arts are famous all over the world. Chinese dishes appeal to the senses through color, shape, aroma and taste. Chinese cuisine’s entree normally strives for three to five colors, made up of the main ingredient, and more secondary ingredients of.

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  • CHILLI中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    the small, red or green seed case from particular types of pepper plant that is used to make some foods very hot and spicy. 辣椒. Add 2 chopped red chillies. 加入两根切成块的辣椒。. Don't use too much chilli. 不要用太多辣椒。. (also chilli con carne) a spicy dish of meat, onions, chillies or chilli powder, and usually beans ...

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  • mac的chili和devoted to chili选哪个? - 知乎

    2019.11.16  (左chili,右316) 更新:两个都不是我经常用的,最近觉得chili好看一点,实在不喜欢316的质地(感觉有点不匀)和甜味。我还是觉得我黄黑皮的时候涂chili不好看,白了一些以后又觉得chili更好看,橘

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    Contribute to ziyoujudian/fr development by creating an account on GitHub.

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  • CHILLI中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary

    CHILLI翻譯:辣椒, 辣味肉豆(一道菜肴)。。 The dish itself is very similar to spun sugar, with butter tea and a very small quantity of flaked dry chilli pepper.

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  • chili是什么意思_chili怎么读_chili翻译_用法_发音_词组_同 ...

    chili [ 'tʃili ] n. ground beef and chili peppers or chili powder often with tomatoes and kidney beans. 同义词:chili con carne. very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency. 同义词:chili pepperchillichillychile.

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  • Définition de bocard Dictionnaire français - La

    BOCARD1, BOCAMBRE, subst. masc. MÉTALL. Machine composée d'un moulin à pilons coiffé d'une masse de fer et mû par un moteur, servant à broyer le minerai destiné à la fonte et à réduire certaines substances en

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  • fr/concasseurs d or et bocards.md at main hongyib/fr

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  • bocards à vendre zimbabwe

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  • Actually, the Best Vegetarian Chili Ever - Ambitious Kitchen

    2021.12.30  How to make vegetarian chili from scratch. Saute the veggies. Place oil in a large pot and place over medium high heat. Add in garlic, onion, diced carrot, red bell pepper, cubed sweet potatoes and green chiles; saute for 5

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  • 请教,chili和pepper 都有辣椒这个含义,具体用法上有什么 ...


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  • 11 Canned Chili Brands, Ranked Worst To Best - Mashed

    2023.8.25  8. Nalley Original Chili Con Carne with Beans. Nalley. Nalley's Chili Con Carne with Beans tastes better than some of the others, but we're kind of starting to suspect that maybe it's because of a certain three-letter ingredient, and that's MSG.

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