analyse granulométrique de aparatus total

  • Mechanical Properties - Handbook of Coal Analysis - Wiley

    2015.4.13  There are different methods for estimating coal strength and hardness: compressive strength, fracture toughness, or grindability, all of which show a trend

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  • The effect of subcritical and supercritical CO2 on the pore

    2021.10.1  Studies have found that aliphatic hydrocarbons in coal are more easily extracted by ScCO 2 than aromatic hydrocarbons, and the chemical structure of coal is

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  • Influence of coal properties on coal conversion

    2022.8.11  coal properties. Several coal properties are essential for the accomplishment of the carbonization process. 2.1.1 Organic composition The organic

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  • Processes Free Full-Text Effects of Parent Coal

    2021.9.2  This study reveals the effects of the parent coal properties, including coal rank, fixed carbon, moisture, and ash content, on the

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  • Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Coals Subject

    2019.12.27  The effects of low temperature gradient on dynamic mechanical properties of coal were examined through Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) Dynamic Impact Experiment, the law of dynamic...

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  • Basic physical and mechanical properties of the coal

    Weizhong Zhang. The samples collected from Banxi coal mine in Chongqing, Southwest China, have been used to study on damage of coal based on permeability change rate

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  • Physical Characteristics of Coal SpringerLink

    2015.1.1  In this chapter, the physical structures and properties of various coal types are described in terms of the most commonly used physical characterization techniques, including X-ray diffraction, X-ray

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  • Occurrence of Minerals in Coal and Its Geological

    The precombustion washing and washability of coal are increasingly gaining attention as a clean coal technology in China. In this study, the raw coal was collected from different

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  • Characteristics of Coal Porosity Changes before and after

    A coal reservoir is a type of double-porous rock formation with low strength. The bedding, joints, pores, and fractures of the coal are complex and variable; the components are

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  • Pore structure, adsorptivity and influencing factors of high

    2021.6.1  1. Introduction. The average reflectance (R m) of oil immersion of the vitrinite of high-volatile bituminous coal is 0.50–1.15%, and the R m of the C and B stage changes between 0.50 and 0.80%, and the first coalification jump (FCJ) appears around 0.60% (R m) [1].The FCJ is a key stage in the process of early coalification, and the

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  • Chemistry and geology of coal: nature, composition, coking ...

    2023.1.19  Coking. Coking coal is an essential raw material for the production of iron and steel. Coke is a solid carbonaceous residue formed from coking coal (a low-ash, low-sulphur bituminous coal, also known as metallurgical coal), which is used in make steel and other iron products [].Coke is produced by burning coal at temperatures up to 1000 °C in

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  • Influence of different dispersants on rheological

    The whole process were as follows: firstly JD-CS was crushed and milled into fine particles with d 90 less than 100 μm, for gaining a higher dissociation rate between organic rocks and minerals, because most of

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  • Coal Properties and its influence on Boiler Pankaj Ekbote

    2013.11.27  Properties of Coal • Coal properties are evaluated by different methods. • The most commonly used methods are Proximate and Ultimate analysis of the coal. • Proximate analysis gives the Moisture, Ash and Volatile matter, while the Fixed Carbon is found by difference. • Ultimate Analysis gives the elemental composition of the coal. •

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  • Effect of weathering on physico-chemical properties and

    2019.3.14  ering of coal largely affects the coal properties by changing the surface properties, chemical bonding between C, H, O and other elements present in coal that largely affects the coal properties. In the only major published work on Indian coal, Banerjee et al. (2000) reported coal-quality deterio-ration in a coal stockpile of a utility.

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  • The influence of moisture content on coal deformation and coal ...

    2020.4.18  Moisture adsorption in the coal seams affects the gas adsorption capacity and can alter the coal deformation and permeability criteria of the coal seam. The effect of dynamic loss of moisture content, both on moisture and gas sorption-induced coal swelling/shrinkage strains, during the coalbed methane (CBM) production, is crucial. This

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  • Applied Sciences Free Full-Text Multivariate Geostatistical

    2020.9.7  The estimation of fuel characteristics and spatial variability in multi-seam coal deposits is of great significance for the optimal mine planning and exploitation, as well as for the optimization of the corresponding power plants operation. It is mainly based on the quality properties of the coal (i.e., Lower Calorific Value (LCV), ash content, CO2, and

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  • Expert systems and coal quality in power generation

    2019.12.11  Various coal properties can affect the efficient and consistent operation of both the boiler and the emissions control units which clean the flue gases before discharge. They therefore affect both the short- and long-term operability of the plant, and the economics of the operation. The major contributor to differences in

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  • Slag Behavior in Gasifiers. Part I: Influence of Coal Properties

    2013.2.7  In the entrained-flow gasifiers used in integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants, the majority of mineral matter transforms to liquid slag on the wall of the gasifier and flows out the bottom. However, a small fraction of the mineral matter is entrained (as fly ash) with the raw syngas out of the gasifier to downstream processing.

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  • Material composition, pore structure and adsorption

    2018.1.1  Being the key geological event in the coal metamorphism of coal, the coalification jump greatly affects the material composition and molecular structure of coals. Moreover, it controls the physical properties of coal reservoirs, such as the pore volume, surface area, CH 4 adsorption ability, etc. [2], [3]. The first coalification jump (FCJ) is ...

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  • Characterization of humic acids from original coal and its oxidization ...

    2021.7.28  Five coal samples obtained from Chinese coal-producing areas were oxidized by hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2), and humic acids (HAs) were derived from original coal and its oxidizition samples.HAs ...

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  • Experimental Study on the Effect of Gas Adsorption on the

    2021.2.27  The deformation of coal during the injection of sorptive gases can be classified into two types: deformation due to the pore pressure and the swelling deformation of the coal matrix induced by adsorption. These types of deformation have not been investigated separately in the previous researches. The main reason is that measuring

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  • The effect of subcritical and supercritical CO2 on the pore

    2021.10.1  The influence of CO 2 on the pore structure of coals has a significance for CO 2-ECBM recovery and CGS.In this study, three coal samples from two typical regions in China were treated with subcritical and supercritical CO 2 at 40 °C. The porosity, total pore volume (TPV), pore size distribution (PSD) and fractal dimension of coal samples after

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  • Speciation and thermal transformation of sulfur forms

    2021.7.1  The use of high-sulfur coal becomes more urgent due to the excessive depletion of low-sulfur high-quality coal, while addressing the sulfur problem is the most important issue for efficient utilization of the high-sulfur coal. Coal property and the forms and distribution of sulfur in coal are the main factors that directly determine the ...

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  • Coal Geoscience Australia

    2023.9.1  Coal is a combustible rock mainly composed of carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, mostly hydrogen, sulphur, oxygen and nitrogen. Coal occurs as layers, called coal beds or coal seams, that are found between other sedimentary rocks. Coal is slightly denser than water but less dense than most of the rocks of the Earth's

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  • Coal Uses, Types, Pollution, Facts Britannica

    2024.1.20  Coal is an abundant natural resource that can be used as a source of energy, as a chemical source from which numerous synthetic compounds (e.g., dyes, oils, waxes, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides) can be derived, and in the production of coke for metallurgical processes.Coal is a major source of energy in the production of electrical

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  • Effect of operating parameters on coal gasification

    2018.3.7  Coal combustion and gasification are the processes to utilize coal for production of electricity and many other applications. Global energy demand is increasing day by day. Coal is an abundant source of energy but not a reliable source as it results into high CO2 emissions. Energy industries are expected to decrease the CO2 emission to

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  • Exploratory investigation on coking behaviors during ...

    2021.11.7  In this study, the effects of coal property, solvent quality, H 2 pressure, preheating/liquefaction temperature and time on coking behaviors of coal-oil slurry during preheating/liquefaction process were investigated, and effective measures to alleviate the coking propensity were proposed. ...

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  • A review of coal properties pertinent to carbon dioxide

    2017.8.23  Evaluation of coal seam properties which affect CO 2 sequestration The coal mass is a highly complex system and gas move-ment in this complex system depends entirely on its mass properties and environmental factors such as temperature and pressure. Coal mass properties have been divided into three basic groups: (1) chemical properties,

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  • Impact of coal quality on power plant and environment

    2023.7.6  Coal is the preferred energy fuel for power production all over the world (Chiuta and Blom 2012), with a predicted mineable development of about 200 years.This marks coal consumption as significant in the upcoming energy mix (Kauchali 2017).Simply accessibility of coal in the locality and continuously higher rates of oil and natural gas

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  • Coal Property - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

    3.2.1 Coal property. Coal property is very critical during selection of the proper emissions control technology roadmap. It affects flue gas composition, fly ash concentration and properties, and pertinent emissions potential, all of which determines the performance and emissions control equipment and its operation.

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  • Coal - Education National Geographic Society

    2023.10.19  Coal is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel and used to generate electricity.It is composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons, which contain energy that can be released through combustion (burning). Coal is the largest source of energy for generating electricity in the world, and the most abundant fossil fuel

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  • coal properties which affects the coal broyeur

    Coal Properties Which Affects The Coal Crusher The main products are E-crusher, impact crusher, hammer crusher, impact crusher, Raymond mill, magnetic separator and other equipment,Whatever your requirements, you 'll find the perfect service-oriented solution to match your specific needs with our help.We are here for your questions anytime 24/7

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  • South African coal and its abrasiveness index

    2017.2.4  integrate the impact of main coal components contributing to the abrasiveness of coal will be presented. Key words: Coal, abrasiveness index, Coal properties, holistic integration, coal composition, 1. INTRODUCTION Coal is composed of two main groups of materials, the organic matter and the inorganic matter.

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  • Property Alterations of Brown Coal - ResearchGate

    2023.8.22  The mechanical properties of coal mass also affect the recovery process of coalbed methane. The relatively clean-burning nature of CBM has drawn much attention for its potential to provide

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  • Effects of moisture and its input form on coal ... - ScienceDirect

    2020.4.15  In this work, effects of MCL and its input form, i.e. IFMC, on the in-furnace coal combustion behavior and NOx transformation characteristics were numerically investigated. 6 combustion scenarios were virtually conducted within a previously validated 3D simulation model, where SCCs method was adopted for defining coal properties to

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  • Nano-mechanical Properties and Pore-Scale Characterization

    2019.10.18  Characterization of coal micro-structure and the associated rock mechanical properties are of key importance for coal seam exploration, coal bed methane development, enhanced coal bed methane production and CO2 storage in deep coal seams. Considerable knowledge exists about coal chemical properties, but less is known about

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  • Role of multi-seam interaction on gas drainage

    2018.2.1  In this paper, the effect of mining the overlying first-mined coal seam on the underlying relieved seam from the perspective of damage-based permeability variation is numerically investigated by implementing a mathematical model correlating the permeability with coal damage, coal mechanical property and the gas adsorption/desorption.

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